With passion and dedication to Dental Aesthetics, we ennoble digital technology with every promise of DENT ESTET Signature® smiles. It is a privilege to be with you on this extraordinary journey.
Prof. Dr. Paulo Maló has changed the paradigm in Implantology and has greatly influenced modern dentistry. Through his mentorship of the DENT ESTET team, revolutionary dental implant treatment solutions are getting closer to patients in Romania.
A unique protocol in Romania, designed to ensure an integrated and complete patient experience, from investigation to surgery and maintenance.
18 clinics
9 cities
110 dental units
185 doctors
Dental crowns
Dental fillings
Teeth whiteningEMS Airflow Exclusive
WaterLase BiolaseElectronic MicroscopeDigital ImagingDigital Dentistry
Dental Implantology
Dental Aesthetics
Laser Dentistry