Dr. Alina Pantilie



Dr. Alina Pantilie is a dentist specializing in Dental Aesthetics and has been part of the Krondent-DENT ESTET team since 2011. She was attracted from childhood by the white coats of dentists and the smell of various medical substances, but her artistic sense and creativity laid the foundation for her career in dental medicine.

For Dr. Alina Pantilie, dentistry is a continuous challenge due to the rapid evolution of technology, but it also drives her to push her limits and face any situation. For many years she practiced Endodontics with much patience and meticulousness, but ultimately, she turned to the field of dental aesthetics, finding satisfaction in seeing the patient's smile and contentment.

"The surest way to joy is to seek to bring joy to someone else."

Dr. Alina Pantilie is the mother of three children, and free time is the perfect opportunity to spend quality time with them, engaging in various age-appropriate activities. Additionally, traveling and cycling trips are two ways to relax, enjoying nature alongside her husband. She expresses her artistic sense by playing various pieces on the piano or reading.

Specialty courses attended by Dr. Alina Pantilie:


  • Internal course "Photography in dentistry" - Miladinov Milos
  • Modular course on prosthetics on implants - Prof. Dr. Bogdan Baldea / Dr. Ionut Branzan - Timisoara


  • UNAS Congress – Bucharest


  • Certificate of complementary studies in the therapeutic and surgical use of lasers in dental medicine – Timisoara
  • Medical congress "New visions and desiderata of the dental profession – from high-standard complex treatments to legislative and managerial aspects in line with current requirements" - Bucharest


  • "Laser therapy in dental medicine" – Module III – "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Timisoara
  • Medical congress "Multidisciplinary interferences in dental medicine. Targeted treatments in endodontics, paro-prosthetics and implantology with immediate applications and studies on the pharmaco-toxicity of preparations used in dental practice" - Bucharest


  • "Endodontic treatment and retreatment – the basics of clinical endodontics" – Dr. Camil Ianes, Dr. Zeno Florita – Timisoara
  • Symposium: "Dentistry of the New Millennium" – SSEM Bucharest


  • "Inhalosedation - conscious sedation with nitrous oxide and oxygen in modern dentistry" – Dr. Alida Moise
  • Congress "Dental Club 2012"
  • Symposium: "Dentistry from A to Z" – Bucharest


  • "Skeletal prosthesis with special retention systems", As. Univ. Dr. Dragos Smarandescu – Bucharest
  • "Techniques of grinding for extended bridges" (vectorial guide technique), As. Univ. Dr. Dragos Smarandescu, Bucharest
  • "Minimally invasive restorations. Glass fiber reinforced composite resins", As. Univ. Dr. Dragos Smarandescu, Bucharest
  • "Occlusology and facial arch", As. Univ. Dr. Dragos Smărăndescu, Bucharest


  • "Laser therapy in dental medicine" – Module II – "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Timisoara
  • Medical congress "Multidisciplinary interferences in dental medicine. Considerations on the choice and application of treatments in solving complex cases and the use of evolutionary techniques and technologies in oral prevention and rehabilitation" - Bucharest


  • Medical congress "Methods, techniques and interdisciplinary visions in dental medicine. Aesthetic-functional considerations of restorative therapy, within the clinical and paraclinical framework of a successful dental practice" SDR – Bucharest
  • Medical congress "Multidisciplinary interferences in dental medicine. New trends and directions in endodontics" - Bucharest


  • "Laser therapy in dental medicine" – Module I – "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Timisoara
  • Congress "Dental Club 2015 "
  • "Endodontics - root canal obturation", Prof. Univ. Dr. Bogdan Dumitriu Bucharest


  • "Essentials in prosthetics", Dr. Len Boksman - Bucharest
  • "Prosthetics - impression and cementation techniques", As. Univ. Dr. Dragos Smarandescu - Bucharest
  • "All-ceramic veneers", As. Univ. Dr. Dragos Smarandescu - Bucharest
  • "Aesthetic direct restorations in the anterior area. Direct veneers with light-curing composite resins", As. Univ. Dr. Dragos Smarandescu - Bucharest
  • "Endodontics - Root canal instrumentation", Prof. Univ. Dr. Bogdan Dumitriu - Bucharest
  • "Geometry of stump grinding. Introductory course on grinding with threshold", As. Univ. Dr. Dragos Smarandescu – Bucharest


  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest - Faculty of Dental Medicine